Qatar is fighting drastically against COVID-19: border closure, lockdown (one of the longest in the world), public places closures from March 09, 2020, mandatory masks policy, COVID-19 tracking application (Ehteraz), a full set of measures has been put into force by Arabian Peninsula country. Surprisingly the country remains one of the most affected in the world per capita. One of the main reason, among other things, is the fact that the country has an extensive and free COVID 19 screening policy. Like everywhere else, these measures and the global consequences of the epidemic are deeply impacting the economy. The decline in LNG prices, the end of 2022 World Cup the major constructions and the inbound tourism stoppage are worsening the situation. On the other hand, the lockdown has been eased for some strategical sectors such as the construction industry which has already completed, according to the Executive Director of the Organizing Committee, Nasser Al Khater, eighty percent of the 2022 needs with still two years and half to go before the 2022 World Cup kick-off. Qatar finally decided to reopen restaurants and museums in some touristic areas on July 1, 2020. These places may welcome guests only if they can prove, with the Etheraz system, they are not infected. VPI supports you in the preparation of your future trips to Qatar within the framework of the 2022 World Cup, contact us for more information. NEWS